Quantum-Allergy is a method with which you can test for allergies, intolerance and other disturbances and reset your body for them, so to get rid of pains and aches. Every organ and every cell has its own unique vibration also called natural frequency, measurable in, among others, Hertz. The exchange of information between the organ and the environment, between the organs and all body systems, the nutrition we offer our body, determines, among other things, how the body functions and whether or not there are physical and emotional complaints.
I did not expect this. Really amazing. At home busy with: detergents, make-up, and stuff. Just do it. By indicating that sound is an allergy, I came to the workshop. There is so much to deal with: incredible. Dear Yolande and Linda, thank you for your enthusiasm, sobriety and humor. Two feet on the ground and go. Delicious ... More reviews Quantum-Allergy
Much easier than expected. Well applicable and now practice for myself and see what happens. I have no more irritation to my neighbor, from a grade 9 to a 0, my perfume allergy is gone 9-0. We followed the workshops with great pleasure. Yolande and Linda do this with so much fun and pleasure. They make the workshops light and easy to follow. My compliments!… More reviews Quantum-Allergy
Drs. Linda Menkhorst MCM and Yolande van Rosmalen have come to the conclusion that the practical experience and the research work is extremely effective when everyone learns to treat themselves in the most effective way. They have therefore developed Quantum-Allergy and have been teaching Quantum-Allergy since 2007.
By following our workshops, you as a practitioner can expand your knowledge or become a QA practitioner. Here you can find practitioners who use our methods passionately.
You will find the persons who have a practice and are Quantum-Coach on the extensive overview. A Quantum-Coach helps you at the Quantum level "where thoughts become matter" to change, where you want to change. This can be in the area of health, nutrition, wellbeing or personal development. On the list you will also find Quantum-Allergy and Quantum-Touch practitioners.
You can find more information on the practitioners website. We advise you to call a practitioner, discuss the possibilities and then make your choice which practitioner can best guide you in your wish. If you want to become a practitioner, click on training.